Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween (The Extended Version)

Annabelle did Halloween right this year! She had a special costume- made carefully and beautifully by Mimi and she celebrated on three separate occasions. The first was a block party with some of her friends, the second occasion was at the Big Orange Pumpkin Farm with Dad and the playgroup and finally trick or treating in our neighborhood. I know A had a great time and so did her Mom and Dad.

I took a ton of pics so bare with me.... Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our sweet strawberry!

Hayride at Owens Farm- too bad A looks terrified!

Pumpkin patch at Owen Farms

Playgroup Hayride

Dad and A picking out pumpkins

The whole group! Thanks Tessa

A handing out candy

Trick or Treating in the hood

Jacob checking in on A. He was jealous of Braydon!

Last of 31 Days

It's the last day of my project. I have mixed feelings about it- on the one hand I am happy since I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by having to blog every day but I also am happy that I did finish the project. I have all these great memories down on the blog. So many little things that would normally go overlooked are documented.

Also, it is fitting that today would be the last day of 31 days because our family had such a fun Halloween day. Many memories were made and I documented them all via pics. I didn't miss any of the little moments.

Thanks for hanging with me this month. It's been real. :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Handy Men

My hubby made this awesome table for Annabelle today. Took him just a couple hours to whip it up. Brilliant! I love him!

Monday, October 29, 2012


I am a planner. It's probably a trait I inherited... I wouldn't go so far as to say that I am crazy about every detail but I do like to have a good outline and know what I am doing. When it comes to Annabelle I am the same way. She is definitely scheduled. I always pre plan activities and events, food, naps, ect. Most Mom's do. And I think that Annabelle appreciates the consistency in routine.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Family Outings

 Whether it's just going to the grocery store or to a big event, outings are much better with the entire family. Today is a good example. We went to church and then out to trick or treat with some of Annabelle's friends. It was a great day making memories that we will all remember for a lifetime.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Acting Like A Kid Again

Having kids is a hall pass to acting like a kid again. I love being able to watch silly kids movies and Sesame Street. I love playing on the playground with Annabelle. I love celebrating holidays like a kid and getting excited about every new experience. Best of all I love doing silly things in public to get my kiddo to smile. I don't worry about what people think. It only matters what A thinks.

Having kids is awesome in so many ways. That's just a perk!

This Week

Big week- Annabelle learned how to vote.... and Elmo came along. She enjoyed watching Mom press all the buttons and was eager to help. Don't worry, I kept her at a safe distance. We also played with friends, played outside and Annabelle helped Mom do some chores around the house. She is great at putting things in the trash, watering the plants and moving clothes from the washer to the dryer.

Here are the highlights in pics.

Coloring and eating snacks because we got bored watching football.

Annabelle thinks Tillie's bed is her bed.

Playing at the park. It was really warm earlier in the week.

Early voting!

Elmo goes everywhere with us now. 


Tire swing time.

Playing outside in chilly weather.

A Few Words From Annabelle

I caught A in a good mood- she tolerated my filming some of her new tricks. She can say/do more but is definitely not into performing on camera.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Seriously! I have ridiculously bad migraines on a regular basis. And since my old reliable (sleep it off) cure no longer is possible. I am a big fan of Tylenol and Atenolol.

Not much else to say on the subject.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Good Rain

A and I got caught in the rain today. In my defense, it was an unexpected shower that didn't last very long. We were out on a jog and stopped just a bit too long at the park. Got caught in a slightly elevated sprinkle on the way back home. A seemed to be amused by the weather and I really enjoyed it since we were on the last leg of the run.

I just love a good rain especially when there's no lightening or thunder accompanying it. Two things that are tops in that type of weather- a good nap and a good jog. One of two - not bad!

Happy day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Why has it taken me so long to write about Starbucks coffee? There is no denying that I am absolutely addicted to my nonfat raspberry mocha! My day is jaded if I don't have my coffee in the morning. It's that bad.

No, wait, it's that good. :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Early Voting

I'm not big on lines. I'm not patient. Early voting is awesome. Plus, it's a giant relief that I can go completely numb to the ever increasing attack ads and propaganda. I did my part, cast my ballot and now we wait until Nov. 6 to find out who our President will be. Exciting stuff.

Oh, also I am grateful that I got to show Annabelle the voting process. She was truly intrigued by the buttons on the screen. I actually was afraid that she was going to jump out of my arms and push something!! Ha!

Monday, October 22, 2012


On our way home from running errands this afternoon I spotted the most beautiful rainbow over the lake. It's a small thing but it made me think about the last time I saw such a gorgeous sight. Stephen and I were in Hawaii on our honeymoon. Ever seen a rainbow breaking over Maui? Just lovely!

Such great memories.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

State Fair 2012

I love the fair! Food, rides, music- it's the whole entertainment package. Plus this was A's first visit so that made it so much more exciting. She had a great time visiting the Little Hands Farm and petting the farm animals. She also enjoyed the train exhibit and checking out all the stuffed animals hanging around all the fair games.

Next year we think she will be tall enough to enjoy the kids rides. She's still not quite big enough.

Here are some pics from our visit.

In front of the Texas Star

State Fair 2012. Let's do this!

Not quite tall enough for the rides. Even with the pony tail!

Little Hands Farm.

Picking carrots for her basket.

Riding a tractor of course.

Planting seeds to grow flowers.

Petting the cow. Moo!

Hello goat!

Trains in the garden.

Big Tex

I miss Big Tex and his big HOWDY. It's so tragic that he should burn down before Annabelle could get a look at him!

Oh well, I guess they will build him up again for next year's fair. He will probably be bigger and better. You know what they say....when folks in Dallas get close to 60 years old its time to have some work done!

Here's to Tex!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


When you have kids you learn to move slower and plan ahead. My big goal this weekend was to tidy up the front yard. Not even the whole front yard- just up by the door. (If you have visited the house lately you know what a crazy train wreck that we have let it become.) Anyway, we planned ahead of time got the beds done and up to code in enough time to sit down and watch the Gamecocks play football. Yea!

I am seriously tired but feel great knowing that my front door is not covered by a jungle of weeds. Stephen and I will both sleep well tonight!

Friday, October 19, 2012


We have the best dog.

Besides the fact that Tillie is the ultimate toy/ best distraction for any Annabelle breakdown or tantrum she is very tolerant in most situations. I was worried when A came along how she would act but it seems that they have grown quite find of each other.

Also, she is probably the cutest dog EVER!


This week

This week's wrap up includes some pics that didn't actually happen this week. A friend was nice enough to take some photos of A at several previous outings with the playgroup (Thanks Tessa!). They are so good, I couldn't resist. In addition to those great shots there are a boatload of Instagram shots and some other random sillies.

Check 'em out!

Two little pumpkins by the front door

Too bad A looks stunned! At the Arboretum with the playgroup.

Morning playgroup- A was wide awake!

A and G. Sweet friends.

Rocking her new jammies.

Headed to the park. She definitely knows the way.

Petting zoo!

A and Mimi

Kisses for Daddy