Saturday, May 31, 2014

Water Days

We are spending as much time as possible at the park and in the water before it gets too hot to be outside! Ridgewood splash park is open and we are frequent visitors. I love that the playground and the splash area are so close! We are going to be frequent visitors throughout the summer. Here are some pics of us playing around at the park, in the pool and at the splash park.

Lets dress up!

Annabelle is very fond of playing dress up these days. We can frequently be found on the playground wearing tutus and crowns among other things. Check out the the pics below. Let us know if you need a stylist. Her expertise is available for hire!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mom's Day

We spent Mother's Day in Houston with Bryan and Steph. It was nice- Steph arranged for us to go to the Junior League brunch. The food was great and the kids got to spend a few more hours playing before we had to head back to Dallas.

Check out the picks of the whole crew below.


"Can we go to Kinsey and Grayson's house?"- Annabelle to me about 10 times a day.

We had a blast in Houston visiting with Aunt Steph, Uncle Bryan and the twins. A loved having a sleepover and going to the zoo to see the tigers. The kids have so much fun together and we love watching them play. Can't wait until they come to see us in July!

Headed to Houston. 

Mimi and Gramps at work


Field Trips

Annabelle is on Summer break for May and most of June. So, since I am still on maternity leave and Mimi is close by we decided to do some "field trips." Over the past weeks we have been to the Dallas Museum of Art, the fountains at Klyde Warren Park, story time at the library, Children's Aquarium, Texas Discovery Gardens and the Arboretum among others. These trips have been lifesavers since it keeps Annabelle happy and helps me keep my sanity! I have really enjoyed spending this time with her.

Here are some pics of the many different trips. Hold on to your hat... there are a lot of them!

Hello Crush! A at the Aquarium

Checking out the butterflies.

Lunch at the DMOA

Playing with the parachute at story time

A little soccer at the park

Kids area at DMOA

Story time

"I am a butterfly"

Hello!! Field trip to the Galleria park

"Beautiful darling!" Headed out for another day of fun!
Mimi and A at the Discovery Gardens

Splashing at Klyde Warren

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Pool is Open!

Hooray! Mimi and Gramps opened the pool last weekend and A and Stephen were the first to jump in. We can't wait to get back in the pool soon! Summer is going to be so much fun!

Weekly pics

I have so many pics that I take during the week. I have a hard time choosing/narrowing down for these posts. This blog has become a photo dump for all of my pics! I don't really feel bad tho, I think when the kiddos are older they will appreciate the memories. Anyway, here is the latest round of my fav pics of the week.

Crazy hair day!

E doesn't like hats as much as I do!

playing with friends