Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Week

Snot. The word of the week. Annabelle and I were under the weather for most of the week.  Lots of Tylenol (for Annabelle) and Vicks (for me) and we are on the mend. Here are the pics of the week.

Chick fil a lunch with Mom and Dad

Tillie got a haircut

Sleepy girl on the mend

Climbing at the park

Nap time with Dad

Visit to the Perot

More climbing

Potty Time

Last week Annabelle used the Elmo potty for the first time! Yea! I can't believe it! I always encourage her to sit on the potty before and after bath time but we don't push it on her. Last week she was particularly interested in spending time sitting and flushing. (Yes, the Elmo potty has sound effects) She was also interested in teaching her stuffed animals how to tee tee and flush. I was actually taking pics of her playing with her little stuffed animals when she decided to use the potty on her own. Happy picture time! Check it out! My big girl!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

This Week

I thought this week would never end! On Monday afternoon we got a call to come pick Annabelle up from school because they thought she had pink eye. Well, turns out she did so we have had to deal with that plus we were informed while we were at the Dr.'s office that A's ears were clogged. Poor thing is coming to the end of her ear tubes. I guess they will be falling out soon but I hope that she can make it another couple months till the end of "bad ear season." Tuesday, A had to stay home from school since she was on meds for pink eye so Stephen got to hang with her all day. (I was incredibly jealous! I miss being the go to person for all A's needs.)

On Wednesday I had a work event so I had to leave early in the morning and didn't get to see A before she went to bed. I HATE those days- good thing there are very few days that keep me away like that. Thursday was Valentines Day!! Annabelle had a class party at 3 so I got to go and be with her for that. It was cute. A is currently the only girl in her class so she has a lot of "boyfriends." HA! Anyway, nothing unusual happened on Friday - thank goodness!

That is the wrap up. Here are the pics.

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. It's one of my favs. Pink, red, hearts, candy... what's not to love? And, besides the fact that Annabelle had pink eye, it was really a great day. (PS-Pink eye... not fun but it was a festive color!) Here are some pics of our little one celebrating Valentines day.

Sweet treats
Our Valentine
Getting Valentines ready

Her lovely artwork

Monday, February 11, 2013

Under Construction


So... I know it looks a wreck right now but there are good changes coming to the blog very soon. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Week

I am trying to get back into taking more pics of Annabelle and posting to the blog. I feel so guilty that I even went a couple days here and there without taking a picture or documenting her every move! Ha! I can make no excuses anymore and will trying to post at least once every week.... Here is the update for this week.

Our girl is 19 months old- she is walking, running, crawling, jumping, dancing, climbing and riding. She loves her Tonka truck, Elmo, kitty cat, cars, ball and her play kitchen. She wants us to read her books, ALL of her books about 10 time every day. She particularly likes Ralph, Go, Go, Go! and Good Night Moon. Annabelle is still a bit picky when it comes to food. She is a snacking queen- loves goldfish, squeezies, raisins, applesauce and cheerios. Beyond that she will eat strawberries, grapes, rasberries, oranges, mac n cheese, waffles and, on occasion, chicken nuggets.

Annabelle is about 21 lbs now and 31 inches tall. She has an amazing laugh and can throw a full on tantrum that would blow your mind. She is learning new words every day. She can say her name, her school friends names, she can say, banana, Elmo, outside, car, airplane, morning, home- among others. She can identify colors....sometimes. She loves to color and glue, play in the dirt and swing.

We are to so lucky to have such a wonderful, sweet girl that brings us so much joy everyday.

Good Morning

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mom and Dad QT


We love the weekends!

Our weekends revolve around spending the max amount of quality time with Annabelle. That usually involves lots of reading, crafting and venturing to the park as many times as possible. She loves being pushed on the swings, throwing mulch on the slides, climbing up and down the slide steps and running around the monkey bar poles. She is so happy to be on the playground and she will usually walk away from the park with a new friend. We have a very social butterfly!

Here are some pics from the past two weekends.