Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things They Don't Tell You

Ok, so I think I am far enough along in pregnancy to share a few insider tips or rather secrets that go along with the joys of "being with child." Honestly, this is as much a list for those thinking about becoming prego as much as it is a reminder for me! I will spare you the long blog and only post 5 at a time... I suspect I will have lots to add to the list post delivery!

Here it goes:

1. Once you are pregnant, you do not own your body anymore. This may seem like an obvious statement, but its amazing how much changes that you don't think of. You are constantly tired, body parts don't function properly, symptoms you have never had before pop up randomly, you start liking foods that you never liked before and stopped liking things that you always loved eating prior to pregnancy. Its like you disappear from your former self.... oh and once you think you have finally got it figured out- you start a new trimester- with new crazy attached.

2. Speaking of bodily functions... not to go into too much detail but here are a few symptoms they don't tell you about. Nosebleeds. Yep, weird but it is true. I never had this prior to pregnancy so it was a big surprise to me. Gums bleeding. It doesn't matter how clean your teeth are, this will still happen. Constipation. Umm, enough said. Heartburn. Probably one of the worst parts of pregnancy in my opinion. Sciatica. Seriously, this will drop you to the floor its so painful. Also, its random so you never know when or why it will happen. Just expect pain.

3. Tired. No, rather exhausted. I expected that I would have some change in my energy level before I got pregnant but nothing like this. Its like I could hibernate for 9 months and still not feel like I have caught up on my sleep!

4. Everyone loves a pregnant person. Its amazing how people gravitate towards you when you become pregnant... especially as you start to grow a belly! Women who have had children like to reminisce about their pregnancies, women who haven't had children are generally curious and ask questions about how you are doing. (Also I think they secretly like it when you put on weight. Makes them feel better about themselves.) Men are usually protective especially when it comes to physical tasks. For example, they will carry boxes or open doors for you without question. Its nice.

5. Unsolicited advice and touching of the belly. I get random advice all the time about how I should raise or take care of the baby when it gets here. I am not sure why but its usually older people who dole out the advice without ever thinking twice. Usually, I just smile and say thanks. Its really all you can do. Regarding belly touching... I am not big on this. Apparently my stomach has a big target on it and everyone has to touch it. No one asks, they just do it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekly Update

How Far Along: 29 Weeks 3 days (ONLY 75 DAYS TO GO!!)

Baby Nickles Weight:  2.5 lbs (The weight of a butternut squash! Ha!)

Baby Nickles Length: 15 inches

Baby Nickles Heartbeat:  141

Best Moment This Week:  Finalizing our daycare options for Annabelle. We have decided to go with Kidding Around. It has a great staff, smaller class sizes and a cute facility. I think that Annabelle will like it and we are excited that its convenient to our house and on the way to Stephen's work. It's going to be hard to let her go when I head back to work in October.... guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Movement:  Not only can I feel her moving but we can now easily see Annabelle kick and punch my stomach from the outside. Tillie is not all that fond of the unusual movement when she is laying with me on the couch. She kind of stares at me and them moves away when Annabelle is really active. I think Tillie thinks that I am playing a trick on her.

Total Weight Gain: 14 lbs. I feel huge. And, to make it worse, doctor says that I should add another 10-11 lbs in the last trimester. YIKES!

What I am looking forward to:  May is going to fly by. I have to work two weekends, then we head to Austin for Memorial Day Weekend. I am looking forward to getting all the fam together one last time before Annabelle gets here. I can't believe how fast things are changing!

Symptoms: Heartburn is back with vengeance!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekly Update- Bring on the Third Trimester!!

How Far Along: 28 Weeks

Baby Nickles Weight:  2.25 lbs 

Baby Nickles Length: 14.5 inches

Baby Nickles Heartbeat:  145 (going from the last Dr. visit)

Best Moment this week:  Having fun putting together all of Annabelle's new stuff! We are so excited to finally have her carseat, stroller and even diaper bags ready to go!

Movement:  I can feel her hiccuping - so cute!

Food Craving: Apples and PB&J. Still love those carbs too... give me pasta and I am a happy girl!

What I am looking forward to:  Next weekend when I don't have to work and can have some "me" time.

Symptoms: Sciatica, shortness of breath.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Baby Shower

We are so grateful to have such a wonderful family! Stephen and I were lucky enough to have our baby shower in South Carolina with all our family (and some friends) in attendance. Here is the breakdown:

Hosts: Stephanie, Perry, Christina and Donna
Location: Anderson University Faculty Dining Room
Time: 2-5pm
Attendees: We had a ton of family on both my side and Stephen's side. Probably about 30 people in all.
Theme: Pink, Green and lady bugs
Food: Lemonade, Ice tea, fruit and cheese platter and delicious cupcakes and TWIZZLERS! :-)

See below for some quick pics (thankfully provided by Mike Vandiver and Taylor Vandiver!).

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly Update

How Far Along: 27 Weeks

Baby Nickles Weight:  2 lbs 

Baby Nickles Length: 13 inches

Baby Nickles Heartbeat:  145 (going from the last Dr. visit)

Best Moment this week:  Our SC baby shower. We have such wonderful family and friends! It was so nice to be able to make it back to the Greenville area to see everyone before the baby is born. Hopefully we will get back to SC soon after we have Annabelle too.

Movement:  Yes. Lots. She is now starting to move during the night...makes it a bit harder to sleep.

Food Craving: No much new this week. I still love me some OJ.

What I am looking forward to:  With work and events season in full swing I am looking forward to having a day or two off work. I am exhausted! April 25th I have my Glucose Screen at the Dr. and Stephen and I will be finalizing our daycare options. I look forward to having that day off and concentrating on all our baby loose ends!

Symptoms: Sciatica, shortness of breath.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just For Fun Photos

This is me (and Annabelle) at 26 weeks and 2 days. Its hard to believe that I am going to get bigger than this....

Monday, April 4, 2011

We Have Nursery Furniture!

Stephen has been working so hard to get the baby's room together- I think it's his way of nesting! Last week he finished up the painting, put up our new blinds, put together the crib and the dresser. It is looking really great so far! See below for a sneak peak.
Stephen making sure we have all the right pieces for the crib.
Finishing the dresser/changing table
Crib and dresser

Sweet ladybug themed crib

Weekly Update- 26!

How Far Along: 26 Weeks

Baby Nickles Weight:  2 lbs 

Baby Nickles Length: 12 inches

Baby Nickles Heartbeat:  145 (going from the last Dr. visit)

Best Moment this week:  Reconfirming that Annabelle is in fact a she! We got to see her moving around this morning during a visit to the doctor.

Movement:  Annabelle is moving all the time now and she is getting stronger. I can only hope she doesn't break one of my ribs as we get closer to the delivery.

Food Craving: Apples, PB&J.

What I am looking forward to:  We are headed to SC on Friday for our couples baby shower. SO much fun! I can't wait to see all our friends and family!

Symptoms: Sciatica, congestion.