Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fun Times

Nothing catchy about this post... just fun.

Ethan 5 months

Oh my! Things are changing and Ethan is growing... fast! At the beginning of this month he was rolling one way and sitting in the Bumbo for short periods of time. At the end of the month he is rolling everywhere and in all directions and standing/playing in an activity center. He is propping himself up on all fours and threatening to crawl. It won't be too long before he takes off! No stats this time since Dr visit comes next month but Ethan is very easily fitting into 6 month clothes and I am pondering another visit to Target for 9 month pj's this weekend. Big changes this month- E is now officially on formula and he is eating some rice cereal. More on that later. He is eating at 8am, Noon, 4 and 8pm. Ethan sleeps like a champ at night and naps at least twice a day.

Hi, buddy!

Annabelle has always been good with Ethan. Sometimes she is a little over enthusiastic in showing her love. IE hugging him to death or swinging him just a bit too fast.... Anyway she is trying to help and it is very sweet to watch her care for him.

Happy 3rd Birthday Annabelle

Happy, happy 3rd birthday to our baby girl.

There is not a day that goes by that you do not put a smile on our faces. We are continually amazed by your clever and witty observations and in awe of how quickly you catch onto everything. I know that I say (frequently) that I don't want you to get any bigger but that is really only half true.  I love your cuddly, curious and warm spirited characteristics now but I can't wait to see how your personality develops and grows. I know that you will be an amazing woman down the road because you can do anything and be anyone you want to be. Possibilities are endless and you have the courage to do wonderful things with your life.

In the meantime we will watch and enjoy our little girl as she plays, pretends, develops new friendships and thrives in new environments. This is an exciting time!

Always know that your Mom and Dad love you to the moon and back. Hugs and kisses!

Max and Ruby Birthday Party

Max and Ruby..... Ruby and Max! Annabelle loved that show the minute Mimi gave her the first DVD! She loved it so much that it became the theme for her 3rd birthday party. We had a small party since most of her friends were out of town for the holiday. In the end all that mattered was that her grandparents and cousins were there.  Oh, and we had all her favorites- it was held at the splash park, we had Chick-ala (yes, I know that is not spelled correctly!) balloons, cake, presents and she got to wear a new swimsuit that had a tutu. Doesn't get much better than that.... :-)

Annabelle had a great time and so did we. Happy birthday sweet girl!

Kicking off all the July festivities

The first week in July is my absolute fav time of the year. Not only do we get to celebrate 4th of July, our anniversary and Annabelle's birthday but we also have lots of family in town. This year all the fam came to Dallas- Uncle Phil, Aunt Katie and Charlie, Uncle Bryan, Aunt Steph and the twins visited for all the festivities. It was so much fun to spend time with them! We also got to have our first big family photo shoot--- all the cousins were present and accounted for. Altho, none of them really were thrilled with the early morning curtain call! Despite the challenging environment and not so thrilled children involved, the shoot was considered a success and we did get ONE good pic of all the fam. It will be an experience that we will always remember (and learn from!!).

Here are some pics from July 4th, family photo shoot and beyond. Annabelle's birthday is up in another post.

Ethan at 4 Months

At 4 months our little guy weighs 13.2 lbs (5th percentile) and is 24.5 in long (14th percentile). He is super smiley and is starting to focus in on his surroundings. He is particularly interested in his big sister (no surprise there) and would watch her all day if he could keep track of her. Ethan is still on breast milk but I mostly pump now since he seems to take bottles with a little more ease. I am also concerned that my supply is dwindling so that is a good way to keep track of it. Ethan is still eating every 3.5 hours but is slowly moving to 4 hr intervals. He eats about 6 oz and sleeps a good 10-11 hours a night.

We have started using the Bumbo. E can sit there for up to five minutes before he gets fussy. It is a good start. I imagine it won't be too long before he can sit on his own.