Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making Curtains!

Mom is here sewing curtains for Annabelle's room. Can't wait till they are finished... in the meantime thought I would post a pic of Mom hard at work.

38 Weeks Update

How Far Along: 38 weeks 2 days

Baby Nickles Weight:  6.13lbs according to last weeks Dr visit. Not as big as we originally thought...yea!

Baby Nickles Length: 22-24in estimated. Not for sure since Annabelle was so far down that they couldn't get an accurate measurement.

Sleep: I have gotten into a every other day pattern. One night I will sleep up to four hours without having to get up and the next I will be up every 30 minutes. I think my body is taunting me, I forgot how great 4 consecutive hours of sleep feels!! Ha!

Best Moment this week:  My blood pressure is back down within reasonable range, all blood tests came back ok and I no longer have protein in my urine (TMI, I know). So, I am in good health after a week of taking it easy. My swelling isn't gone but it is considerably better than last week.

Sad Moment of the Week: It's a good news/bad news situation. As my health improves, there is less likelihood that I will be induced. Which in turn means that we have to wait longer for Annabelle's arrival. After all the craziness of last week, I am a bit let down. I was really hoping that we would get to see Annabelle this week. 

Movement: I think since I have been a couch potato all week I have noticed Annabelle's movement more. She really likes to move around in the morning and evening. I can almost set my timer to it. Also, I believe she has dropped even more than before. A couple nights ago she was having a really big dance party in my tummy with lots of big movements (it actually woke me from sleep) and the next day I noticed a big difference in how I was carrying her. She sticks out a lot and I have much more space between my stomach and my chest.

Food Craving: Chocolate and watermelon.

What I am looking forward to:  Still waiting for Annabelle's arrival. I think the whole family is on alert!

Symptoms:  Back pain, swelling, nausea

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

37 Weeks! Weekly Update

How Far Along: 37 weeks 2 days

Baby Nickles Weight:  I am guessing around 7lbs at this point. We will know better tomorrow after the sonogram.

Baby Nickles Length: 20-24in

Sleep: Who needs sleep? Think I am preparing for when Annabelle arrives.

Best Moment this week:  Hearing that we may be seeing Annabelle sooner than expected! 

Scary Moment of the Week: Doctor is worried about my high blood pressure, swelling and protein in my urine. Clear signs that I have pre-eclampsia. I have been put on bed rest and am now working from home until delivery. There is a very high possibility that Dr. Lutich will induce me and I will have Annabelle before July 1 (next Friday). I go back to the Dr. tomorrow for a sonogram (checking about baby's position, weight and making sure there isn't fluid in the wrong places) also to do some more blood work.

Movement:  She is still moving- thank goodness but not as much as before. She does like to hang out on my left side with her foot on my ribs - makes my stomach look lopsided! Ha!

Food Craving: Watermelon and avocado!

What I am looking forward to:  Getting the labor and delivery process over with since I am a little worried about that. I just can't wait to hold Annabelle in my arms and see what she looks like.

Symptoms:  Swelling, high blood pressure, itchiness.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weekly Update- 3 weeks left!

How Far Along: 36 weeks 2 days

Baby Nickles Weight:  6.5 lbs Think Watermelon! Yum!

Baby Nickles Length: 19-22 in
Sleep: As we get closer to "The Date" I am having a harder time sleeping. Mostly because I can't shut my mind off or get comfortable. Naps that used to last three to four hours have turned into short one to one and a half hour intervals. I think the next step is to be sleeping sitting up....

Best Moment this week:  We have settled on a pediatrician and we officially have everything on our registry! (Thanks to all our fabulous friends and family!!)

Scary Moment of the Week: I had my weekly check up yesterday and found out that I have a significantly higher blood pressure than noted last week and I tested positive for Group B Strep. Dr says I shouldn't worry and to take it easy. I will be on antibiotics while in labor to prevent transmitting GBS to Annabelle. Also, odds of transmission to new baby are significantly less when you make it to 37 weeks... only a couple days from now for me....I am trying to not worry about it.

Movement:  Annabelle is face down and in perfect position for birth but I don't feel her move as much as before. Just subtle movements during the day and some shifting at night.

Food Craving: Lots of fruit and veggies. Not as hungry these days.

What I am looking forward to:  Seeing Annabelle! We are so close and can't wait for her to arrive!

Symptoms:  Swelling, heartburn, sciatica

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lamaze Classes

Just a quick note on the Lamaze classes that Stephen and I took recently....

1. They do show birthing videos.
2. They do practice silly sounding breathing techniques.
3. They do A LOT of sharing and expression of feelings.

... but it wasn't as bad as I though it was going to be.

I am so glad that Stephen was there with me for the classes. Since we have similar senses of humor it made the ridiculous parts of the class fun. AND not to get too mushy but it makes me calmer to know that Stephen knows what to expect and will be there during labor to help me.

For the record, I am glad that we took the classes. The information was helpful and we got to go on a hospital tour that was very detailed and interesting. I am not convinced that all of the labor "techniques" that were discussed are going to be all that helpful. My assumption is that I will just cope and get through labor however I can.

I would encourage new parents to attend this class solely on the fact that it helps start conversations that you might not ordinarily think to talk about before birth. IE topics like postpartum depression or breastfeeding or even how to split and concur everyday chores when the baby comes home. This class helps get you on the same page and brings you closer as a couple.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weekly Update- 32 Days to go!

How Far Along: 35 Weeks 3 Days

Baby Nickles Weight:  6 lbs.

Baby Nickles Length: 19 inches

Best Moment This Week:  Not sure I would call it the best moment of this week but we did start weekly visits to the Dr. last Tuesday. Dr. Lutich is now doing internal "checks" to follow my progress. Annabelle has dropped so that is good news. I am not dilated yet but that is ok since we are still early and being dilated doesn't necessarily mean that I will be having the baby anytime soon. I could be dilated for weeks before going into labor.

What I am looking forward to: Finalizing all things at work and going on leave. Its getting harder to make the drive to work everyday- I am starting to get painful cramps when I sit down too long. Also, I am tired and have a hard time concentrating. I have this incredible urge to find a clear stopping point in all my work projects. I don't want to be worried about them when Annabelle arrives. I want to be fully concentrated on her.

Katie's Weight Gain: 30 lbs. Yikes! I gained 4 pounds just last week alone. I am trying not to be hard on myself for that because I know that I am swelling a lot so water weight and Annabelle's weight are a hefty portion of the gain. My appetite is much smaller lately and I don't really want to eat big meals since I get full so quickly. Also it helps heartburn when I eat frequent small meals instead of three large meals.

Symptoms: Swelling, back pain, cramps. Heartburn is still alive and well but not as bad as before... I think that probably has to do with Annabelle dropping. There is more room in my stomach.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weekly Update

How Far Along: 34 Weeks

Baby Nickles Weight:  5.5 lbs.

Baby Nickles Length: 18 inches

Best Moment This Week:  We had such a great time in Austin for Memorial Day Weekend. So much good news to celebrate... although I will write about that later. It was a perfect weekend with all the family together. Kind of sad that this was the last time we will all be together sans babies. Seems like we are going to have alot of big changes and additions to our family over the next year. Exciting but scary. How did we get this old?

What I am looking forward to: I go on maternity leave starting July 1.... 1 month from today. It's not so much that I don't want to work but rather I will enjoy not having to drive to Ft. Worth everyday. Its tiring and really hard to be motivated after an hour drive to and from work.

Katie's Weight Gain: 26 lbs. Not sure how big Annabelle is going to be when she arrives but I am hoping that after delivery I will drop at least 6-8 lbs. Losing 20 lbs is going to be a difficult task.

Symptoms: Swelling, heartburn and sciatica.