Thursday, April 24, 2014

Just 'Cause It Is So Darn Cute

More pics of the kiddos from the past week.

Annabelle has so much energy. I am so glad that the weather is getting warmer because we spend a lot of time at the park. She has so much fun running around the park. I can't tell you how much joy I feel watching her play and sing and smile.

That Face!

I love this face!

Easter and (MORE) Pre Easter Festivities

Saturday afternoon Mimi and Gramps had us over for an early Easter celebration complete with presents from the bunny and an egg hunt. Annabelle is a pro hunter at this point so she knew how to take care of business! She and Gramps strategized on how best to go about hunting the eggs and then off she went. There were several rounds of hunting. It was cute.

I didn't get very many pics of our family on Easter day. Not for lack of trying.... I guess you will have to take my word that the kiddos (and parents) looked super cute. Anyway, we did get up early and Annabelle ripped through her Easter basket and loved all the things that big bunny left her. She liked the bunny ball popper the most and the chocolate, of course.

Church was nice. We were slightly late but made we made it and Ethan almost made it through the whole service without crying. Annabelle had a nice time in wit her new friends at church. We considered it a win. After church we had brunch with Mimi and Gramps at Breadwinners. It was yummy. Then we headed over to check out the blue bonnets. They were lovely.

Here are the pics.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Egg Hunting

A is a seasoned egg hunter. We have been to three egg hunts in the past two weeks, once at the LECPTA, the Dallas Arboretum and finally at her school. She has had a lot of fun and really gets into the hunt! Here are some pics of the LECPTA and the Arboretum events. I know there are a lot of pics... I couldn't narrow them down. I love them all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Around the Nickles House

Two kids keeps you busy. Somehow the days pass by so quickly and you can't remember all the things that happened! Anyway, I am trying to take pics along the way.  Here is a round up of the last week.

I am clear to hit the trails again. Ethan could care less!

Shades required for the iPad

Taking a snooze

Look at me! I am lifting my head!

Grrr! Says the blue tiger!

Sweet baby

A much needed date night!

Making 'kris treats'

Ethan was sad to miss opening day

1 Month

Ethan is 1 month old! Time has been very kind to us - since I had such a speedy recovery (compared to my first) I feel like I have been able to soak up some much needed bonding time over the past month. Sweet Ethan is close to 7lbs and 21 in now. We are happy that he is growing steadily after a bumpy start. I think the turning point came when Ethan starting taking reflux medicine. Jury is still out since he still spits up quite a bit once a day. I hope as he continues to grow that the reflux will stop since you can tell it is so hard on his little body.

As for temperament, Ethan really only has a few gears. If he is awake, he is hungry or crying. We haven't gotten to a place were he is content to just sit and look around. I imagine that has a lot to do with his reflux and that he is still very young. Our rule is that if he is sleeping, don't wake the baby! :-) You can guarantee his happiness and quiet with this rule. Ethan is sleeping about 4-4.5 hrs at night. Usually from 11pm to 3am. Otherwise he eats every 2.5-3 hrs.

Oh, and his fav place to sleep-- on you! Or if that isn't available, you can get him calmed down by riding in the car or by running the faucet. It is the little things...