Baby boy Nickles is half way there! Time is flying and he will be here before we can blink. Here is an update on his stats. He is approximately 8 inches long (a bit longer than a banana) and his heart rate was ranging between 150-160 at my last Dr. visit. He is doing great and measures spot on with my due date. I first started feeling him kick at around 18 weeks and from the get-go he has been the most active at night. I think he is going to be a night owl like his Dad. We will see.
As far as I am concerned, everything is going well. The morning sickness has finally gone away and I can drink water again! Hooray! I have a little more energy these days tho I think that might be short lived as baby boy continues to grow and I head into my third trimester. I still have sciatica every once and a while but its certainly not as bad as when I had Annabelle. Heartburn is back- just like last time. I will be happy to get rid of that in March! As far as weight goes, I have no idea how much I weigh or how much weight I have put on during pregnancy. I do know that my body has filled out a whole lot quicker than with Annabelle. I hope that it will be just as quick to slim down post baby. Guess I will need to get those running shoes and jogging stroller out asap!
Annabelle is slowly coming around to the idea of having a baby brother. She said 'good morning brother' to my stomach this morning, then promptly ran away. I will take it! She is going to be such a great big sis!