Annabelle is now VERY mobile. As you have probably already seen- sorry, I have been video heavy lately on the blog- she is crawling like a champ and now pulling up and cruising. I had been hearing from all my friends with kiddos that they move quickly from crawling to walking but I really had no idea! She started crawling last Sunday and on Monday she started pulling up and cruising along her crib in her room. She has always been more interested in walking so I guess I wasn't too surprised at her determination to get up on two feet but it does makes me sad that she is growing up so fast!
Food- Annabelle is eating stage three foods now and bits and pieces off of our plates. I am trying to move her more toward "real" food as opposed to baby jar food. Also, since she now has TWO teeth, she is getting better at eating chunkier foods. She has moved to three solid meals a day plus a snack (she likes puffs and yogurt melts) in the afternoon and four bottles. She can down about 23 oz of formula a day.
Toys- Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed a real change in Annabelle's toy preferences. She really likes to press buttons and flip switches. She still loves books but now she really turns the pages and opens tabs in peek a boo books. She still loves her walker but has now taken a real liking to her music table and push toy. I know that we will be converting her activity table from a sitting play station to a standing island soon. Just another step in her growing up... tear!
Sleep- Not much has changed in her sleeping patterns. She sleeps approximately from 7 pm to 7 am. I have noticed that when she has a tooth coming in or if her ears are hurting her that she doesn't sleep well. Since she has started pulling up and standing I have had a couple of scares in the middle of the night. She stands up but doesn't know how to get back down. Scary... I don't blame her for crying! I did have to take her music box out of her crib the other day. She figured out how to turn it on and off and decided that was more fun than napping. Funny girl!
Speech and language- Annabelle is saying dada finally. Stephen is absolutely thrilled and so am I! Her vocabulary now includes dada's, mama's, gaga's, goo's, ha's ect. She babbles a lot and screams with excitement when she plays or see's something amusing. It's delightful and usually makes me smile!
Ok, I think that is all for now. Except to say that this month has been an eye opener. I am stunned by how fast she is growing up. Does that book on the head thing really work....?? I am thinking about trying it!
It's getting harder to get my monthly photos with her moving around! Here is a funny out take. |
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