Annabelle is 8 months old as of March 7th. I am not sure of her weight since we don't have our next official DR visit until 9 months but I think its somewhere around 16lbs. She definitely has put on some weight since we weaned her over to formula. She is, as of Feb 28th, completely transitioned into formula. She still has four bottles a day, 8 oz in the morning, two 6 oz in the afternoon and another 8 oz before bed. Lately, she hasn't been drinking all of the bottles usually leaving 1 to 2 oz but when she is going through her growth spurts she can't get enough!! For example, about a week ago she was hungry all the time. She had four 8oz bottles three days straight. It was crazy! But you can tell now that she was growing taller. (That seems to be the trend for her. Grow out then shoot up!)
Annabelle has come out of her shell verbally... She screams and babbles a lot with her goos and gaa's. She can say baa's and occasionally mama's. I am super excited about the mama even tho I know she isn't doing it on purpose. No dada's or lala's yet which baffles me because they are usually easier for babies to say. Every chance Stephen gets he is asking her to say daddy or dada. It's adorable!
Still not crawling. She has pushed up several times but has no interest in taking the leap forward. Annabelle is still happiest being walked around the house. Stephen and I are very curious to see if she will skip the crawling phase altogether and just start walking. She loves it that much! Stephen was also an early walker (8 months old) so we wonder if she will be the same.
Annabelle loves to play with her toys and books- same as always. She has much better control of her hands and fingers. She can pick up smaller toys and snacks like mumums but is still working on puffs and cherrios. Annabelle is learning to use her new walker. She has the going backwards down but still working on moving forward. I have started putting her in her pack in play to get her ready for when she is mobile. I figure better safe than sorry. She likes it but would rather be out on the carpet.
Just in case you were wondering, Annabelle still doesn't have any teeth. I keep thinking that they will pop out anyway now. She likes to put everything in her mouth and loves to chew and drool so I never can tell. Guess we will just have to keep waiting!
Here is her 8 month pic!
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