Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just Because

I just like this pic.... yea for oatmeal and carrots!

I Love My Dad

I love watching Stephen and A play. It's probably one of my most favorite things to do!

Annabelle thinks Daddy is hilarious (rightly so) and loves watching him. She laughs at his funny faces and grins when he plays peek a boo. So fun!

Half Birthday

Our little girl is 6 months old and can do all sorts of tricks now. She can eat solids- rice, oatmeal, carrots and squash. She can roll over. She can sit on her own. She LOVES to stand and walk (still with help), she likes to pick things up along her way. Annabelle has a big smile and laughs. She loves her excersaucer, crinkles bunny rabbit, links and tethers. She is now down to two (2hr) naps a day in her crib and she sleeps from 8pm to 7am consistantly.

Here are her stats following her recent check up. She is 13.5lbs (15th percentile) and 25 in long (40th percentile).

Holy moly time flies! Maybe I need to start thinking about her first birthday party... it's just around the corner.

Look Mom- I'm Eating Solids!

On New Years Eve Annabelle started solid foods. She was definitely ready even though she was just shy of reaching the half year mark. When we caught her reaching for our food during dinner, that was our queue. Let's take advantage of the curiosity and get her started with some cereal.

The first food experience was fun. We got her in her high chair, put the bib on and let her check out the new grub. As we let her have the first spoonful you could tell that she went through a range of emotions. First, confusion about all the fuss, then excitement as we let her smell and touch it for the first time, then skepticism as she tasted the rice for the first time. She wasn't big on the taste.

Annabelle only took about two spoonfuls in before the whole ordeal was over but I think she did well for her first meal.

Here are some pics:

Happy New Year!

It has to be said that 2011 was very good to the Nickles family.... but I am so excited to ring in the New Year! Welcome 2012 and all the changes that will come with it! Much has already started, particularly when we talk about Annabelle. As you have read below she is no longer using her bunny chair and has now started taking regular naps in her crib. Yea! She has also started solids (there will be a dedicated entry to that added later) and she is sitting up on her own. Its a great time for our family and we are trying to savor every minute of it.

Here's to a happy, healthy, FUN 2012!
