Annabelle's first Christmas was filled with family, laughter, love and of course... PRESENTS! We spent the holiday in Houston with family- Mimi, Gramps, Bryan, Steph and the twins. This is such a special time for everyone because we all are so excited to celebrate the kids first Christmas together. Kinsey and Grayson are a month and a half old and Annabelle is just shy of six months (OMG, she is growing so fast!). It is really fun to see the differences in the kids growth. Annabelle seems like a giant compared to the twins! Also, we are so very thankful that we are no longer having sleep deprivation like in those early months... HAHA!
Annabelle did well for herself this year. On Christmas day we had a special mini family Christmas in the hotel room with our little fake tree and then went to Aunt Steph and Uncle Bryan's house and had the big celebration with everyone. Then, when we got back to Dallas on Monday we had our "real" Christmas with dinner and opening presents.
Annabelle got a lot of stuff. She is incredibly blessed! I am not naming all the gifts just the highlights: a Baby Einstein musical table from Mimi and Gramps, a Wheely ladybug from Kinsey and Grayson and a musical seahorse and electronic storybook from Uncle Phil and Aunt Katie.
All in all A's first Christmas was a big hit. I can't wait for next year! The kids will be running around and playing together AND Phil and Katie will be with us to celebrate! (We missed them terribly this year).
Blog post would not be complete without photos so here you go:
At the Houston Galleria Christmas Eve |
Crown Plaza Hotel Christmas Morning |
Kinsey and A Christmas Day in Houston |
A and Grayson at Bryan and Steph's house |
Grayson and Bryan saying hi! |
My new Wheely bug |
Opening presents at home with Dad |
What a great first Christmas!! |
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