Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weekly Update- 3 weeks left!

How Far Along: 36 weeks 2 days

Baby Nickles Weight:  6.5 lbs Think Watermelon! Yum!

Baby Nickles Length: 19-22 in
Sleep: As we get closer to "The Date" I am having a harder time sleeping. Mostly because I can't shut my mind off or get comfortable. Naps that used to last three to four hours have turned into short one to one and a half hour intervals. I think the next step is to be sleeping sitting up....

Best Moment this week:  We have settled on a pediatrician and we officially have everything on our registry! (Thanks to all our fabulous friends and family!!)

Scary Moment of the Week: I had my weekly check up yesterday and found out that I have a significantly higher blood pressure than noted last week and I tested positive for Group B Strep. Dr says I shouldn't worry and to take it easy. I will be on antibiotics while in labor to prevent transmitting GBS to Annabelle. Also, odds of transmission to new baby are significantly less when you make it to 37 weeks... only a couple days from now for me....I am trying to not worry about it.

Movement:  Annabelle is face down and in perfect position for birth but I don't feel her move as much as before. Just subtle movements during the day and some shifting at night.

Food Craving: Lots of fruit and veggies. Not as hungry these days.

What I am looking forward to:  Seeing Annabelle! We are so close and can't wait for her to arrive!

Symptoms:  Swelling, heartburn, sciatica

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