It's funny how this little one can make me crazy.... I haven't even met her and I am constantly worried about her safety.
Some background:
Yesterday I started having some intense abdominal and back pain around 4pm. It was so bad that I was having a hard time walking or moving around... I even had Stephen take off my shoes because I couldn't bend down to get them off. (Great time to be wearing boots huh?!) Anyway, when I finally got home from work I went to bed immediately. I decided not to go to the ER because I could still feel Annabelle kicking and she was pretty active while I was lying down. The next morning, the pain was much less intense, almost gone. Thank goodness.
Here is where the pregnant paranoia kicked in...
I got up and got ready for work this morning just like normal. I even had a bowl of cereal and my usual glass of orange juice just before I got in my car to drive to work. Normally, I start feeling the baby kick about 20 minutes after I finish my glass of OJ (she really likes it) but today I felt nothing. As a matter of fact I didn't feel any movement at all by 10:30am. I started to worry and called the DR's office to get some advice but no one returned my call. An hour passed and I still hadn't felt any movement. I was worried that the abdominal pain had something to do with the baby not moving so I decided that I needed to go see the doctor immediately. So, I left the office drove all the way back to Dallas to my OB's office. (Luckily the medical assistant called me back while I was driving back to Dallas so she helped me get into see the Dr at the last minute). My regular OB was not on call today so I saw her partner. She was awesome. Got me right in and helped me immediately.
The Results:
The baby is fine. The heartbeat was 144 and the DR ran a couple tests to make sure that I wasn't going into preterm labor. She even had me go downstairs to Labor and Delivery to get the baby monitored for a half an hour just to double check everything was fine and there were no contractions. I am dehydrated and she thinks that is why I was having abdominal pain.
So...after all that.....I might be paranoid but I am still glad that I went to see the doctor today. When I heard Annabelle's heartbeat I almost cried I was so relieved. I guess this is just the beginning of what will be many, many times I worry about our little girl!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Art Project
I have been so anxious to get started on my little art project for Annabelle's nursery. Here is a quick glimpse of the project so far. It goes with her ladybug theme. :-)
Weekly Update
Baby Nickles Weight: 1.5 lbs (a big eggplant)
Baby Nickles Length: 12 inches
Baby Nickles Heartbeat: 153 (going from the last Dr. visit)
Best Moment this week: I don't know if its the best or most frustrating moment but we are making great strides with the nursery. The painting is coming along, we have the crib and dresser (still in boxes but we have them nonetheless) and I even have some decor ready for the walls. Its a long process but we are chugging along.
Movement: Every morning I have a glass of orange juice... because its tasty and good for me... and every morning about 20 minutes after its drained, Annabelle starts dancing. She must really love OJ!
Food Craving: I am not as hungry as I was early in the second trimester. Probably a good thing since I gained ten pounds in a blink of an eye. Maybe the baby is taking up too much room and I don't have as large of an appetite.
My Weight Gain: 12 lbs
What I am looking forward to: The ultrasound next Monday. With all this planning and decorating for a little girl, it will be nice to see her growth and to reconfirm that she is still in fact, a she!
Symptoms: back pain, tired.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Houston Rodeo
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We has so much fun last weekend at the Houston Rodeo seeing Brad Paisley! Can't wait to bring Annabelle to the Rodeo to see all the animals.
Thanks to Bryan and Steph for being such great hosts.
PS- Loved my red velvet cupcakes! Yum-o!
Weekly Update
Baby Nickles Weight: 1.5 lbs
Baby Nickles Length: 11 inches - picture an ear of corn!
Baby Nickles Heartbeat: 153 (going from the last Dr. visit)
Best Moment this week: Its not really a moment but people are starting to stop me now and ask if I am pregnant. I can only assume that this means that I look more pregnant than pudgy!! A welcome idea!
Movement: Stephen finally got to feel her kick last night. Its funny to watch my stomach as it jumps. It looks like I'm cooking popcorn in my stomach from the outside!
Food Craving: Not much different this week although I have noticed that I am not as hungry as I have been.
What I Miss: My abs.
What I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on April 4th and shower on the 9th!
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve, heartburn and tired.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Weekly Update - 23 Weeks
Baby Nickles Weight: a little over a pound... large mango size
Baby Nickles Length: 11 inches
Baby Nickles Heartbeat: 153 (going from the last Dr. visit)
Sleep: I have come to the realization that sleep will not be easy for the entire pregnancy. I suppose I could chalk it up to training for when she arrives. Won't get much sleep then either. :-)
Best Moment this week: On Monday after work I came home and jumped in the bath to help ease some back pain. When I was in the tub everything was still and quiet... then the water started rippling where the baby was kicking. It made me laugh!
Movement: Annabelle is getting bigger and stronger. I feel her everyday now. Stephen still hasn't been able to feel her from the outside. He thinks that she knows when he is trying to feel kicks and quits. Its like a game to him to catch her when she's kicking.
Food Craving: Lots of PB&J this week and bananas
What I Miss: The use of my abs! Its difficult to do even the most simple things like get out of bed without my abs!
What I am looking forward to: We are headed to Houston for the rodeo next weekend and I am looking forward to showing off my growing bump to Steph and Bryan. We haven't seen them since December.
Symptoms: Back pain, sciatic nerve, heartburn.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Happy Birthday Stephen!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Weekly Update
How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Baby Nickles Weight: Just shy of a pound!
Baby Nickles Length: 11 inches (spaghetti squash)
Baby Nickles Heartbeat: 152
Sleep: Feeling good this week. I have been able to stay awake a bit later than usual this week but I still wake up bright and early. Ok by me, I'm more of an early bird anyways. I get a lot more done in the morning.
Best Moment of This Week:Working on the nursery.
Movement: I feel more frequent movement but still nothing from the outside.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week. Same 'ol, same 'ol.
What I Miss: Being able to go on long walks without being in pain or getting out of breath.
What I am Looking Forward To: Finishing up the nursery and our next sonogram on April 4th.
Symptoms: Went to the doctor today for a check up. Let her know about the very painful backpain I have been having. She said that its something called Sciatica, a nerve pain that is affecting my back and left leg. She assures me that it will calm down a bit in the next four weeks. The reason for the pain... intense baby growth.
Baby Nickles Weight: Just shy of a pound!
Baby Nickles Length: 11 inches (spaghetti squash)
Baby Nickles Heartbeat: 152
Sleep: Feeling good this week. I have been able to stay awake a bit later than usual this week but I still wake up bright and early. Ok by me, I'm more of an early bird anyways. I get a lot more done in the morning.
Best Moment of This Week:Working on the nursery.
Movement: I feel more frequent movement but still nothing from the outside.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week. Same 'ol, same 'ol.
What I Miss: Being able to go on long walks without being in pain or getting out of breath.
What I am Looking Forward To: Finishing up the nursery and our next sonogram on April 4th.
Symptoms: Went to the doctor today for a check up. Let her know about the very painful backpain I have been having. She said that its something called Sciatica, a nerve pain that is affecting my back and left leg. She assures me that it will calm down a bit in the next four weeks. The reason for the pain... intense baby growth.
Painting and Assembling

Poor Stephen is so sore from this weekend! I had him cleaning out the baby's room, moving furniture and painting! His work paid off and we have made a lot of progress. The guest room now has double beds... and little else in the room due to lack of space. It's ok though, I'll spruce it up soon enough. The baby's room has the first round of green paint on the walls. I am not sure that I am completely happy with the color yet- I am waiting to see the white trim on the wall before I make a final decision. I am afraid that it is just too lime green for everyday taste. We will see. Stephen and I will work on the room some more next weekend and begin to assemble all the baby furniture. The dresser came in last Friday, the crib comes in tomorrow and the crib mattress comes in at the end of this week.
Friday, March 4, 2011
We Have a Name!
Its official- our little girl's name is Annabelle Elizabeth Nickles!
Stephen and I are so excited to finally have a name for baby Nickles. It took us a little while to find the right fit but we both were very taken by the name Annabelle. To me, it sounds very southern and feminine- perfect for our little girl. Also, if she decides that she doesn't want to be Annabelle down the road, there are plenty of alternatives she can go with- Anna, Elizabeth, Liz ect.
Stephen and I are so excited to finally have a name for baby Nickles. It took us a little while to find the right fit but we both were very taken by the name Annabelle. To me, it sounds very southern and feminine- perfect for our little girl. Also, if she decides that she doesn't want to be Annabelle down the road, there are plenty of alternatives she can go with- Anna, Elizabeth, Liz ect.
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